It’s March: Plant “Sasha’s Altai” Tomato
The Maverick Magazine, March 2019
This year we’re introducing an exquisite tasting tomato to the garden that has an exquisite backstory. I’m talking about “Sasha’s Altai” tomato from Siberia, touted as one of the best tasting in the world by Organic Gardening Magazine. This is an early tomato, medium in size and kind of flat, can be planted in March and will grow through the season in the White Mountains. “Sasha’s Altai” originates from the Altai Mountain Range south of Russia’s West Siberian Plain and crosses into Mongolia.
“Sasha’s Altai”, the best tasting tomato in the world according to Organic Gardening Magazine.
“Sasha’s Altai” Siberian Tomato came from Russia’s Altai Mountains.
Last year a few of WMCG members took Kim Howell Costion’s seed saving class where she introduced us to this tomato. While we proceeded to save several kinds of tomato seeds, Kim told us the extraordinary story of how Sasha’s Altai seeds came to the states by way of Bill McDorman, the famous seed saving expert, owner of Seeds Trust, and author of, “Basic Seed Saving”, our go to reference for saving seeds. He’s also associated with a number of seed saving institutions and foundations.
While living in Idaho, Bill spent 5 years searching the globe for seeds that would withstand a cold climate and high altitude. In August 1989, Bill traveled to Siberia on his quest and visited the Institute of Horticulture in Barnaul. After his tour of the facility, he ventured to ask for some samples and got a stern, “Nyet!” Swiping seeds was out of the question as he visualized being thrown into a Siberian prison. But as his bus was ready to leave, a woman from the institute ran up and motioned for Bill to open the window. She slipped him a package of seeds as they waved good-bye. He sat on the package as the bus pulled away and his treasure trove contained 60 varieties of seeds along with lab reports. Her name was Galina, the name he gave to a variety of cherry tomatoes.
He visited Irkutsk on his way back to America, where he met a man named, Sasha, who asked if he wanted the very best tasting tomato in all of Siberia. Yes, of course. Sasha disappeared for 3 days and returned with seeds, carefully wrapped in newspaper. Bill’s translator told him that Sasha lived 35 kilometers (21 miles) from Irkutsk in the Altai Mountains. Sasha had to walk 8 hours to get home, rest a day and walk 8 hours back to Bill’s location. Bill named the tomato, “Sasha’s Altai” and offered it to the western world in their 1990 catalog, which became one of the best selling seeds.
A few years later, Sasha had been robbed and seriously beaten, causing numerous surgeries for a damaged pancreas. Bill published Sasha’s story in his catalog and hundreds of American gardeners responded by sending enough money (one million rubles) to cover medical expenses and carry Sasha’s family for more than a year. “Sasha’s Altai” seeds have become so popular across the globe, that an Australian company was selling “The World’s Best Tomato” for $5.00 USD per seed!
And now, we’ll keep Sasha’s legacy growing in the community garden. Da! (Russian for “Yes”)
March 2, 2024
NOTE: We have been growing Sasha’s Altai Siberian tomatoes every year and saving the seeds. They are grown in the high tunnel and WMCG members have grown them, saved the seeds, and given them away for others to enjoy. Sashas are determinant tomatoes, which means they are a bush plant and produces a certain amount of fruit, then stops. BUT I have found that the tomatoes continue to grow through our season. These tomato plants will be available at our Plant Sale in May (Memorial Day weekend).