General Membership Meeting & Seed Swap
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon. February’s meeting will include a seed swap! Bring any seeds or plants you want to share and everyone will go home with some.
Gardening at Elevation Class #1, Planning your garden & Intro to Soil
This class will help students identify how much room for a garden they have in their yard. Students will also discuss the sun, shade, and microclimates of their homes as well as the types of vegetables/flowers you want to grow in your garden. This will all be taken into account when the students look over examples of Garden Plans, decide in-ground beds, raised beds, or containers. This class will ask that students bring their personalized garden plan to the next class in the series if they plan on attending it.
Speaker: Laurel Huffman, Master Gardener
Gardening at Elevation, Class #2, Healthy Soil
Students will learn about soil structure, how to test your soil, and what the results of the soil tests tell you. They will also lean how to manage the soil for quality and productivity through organic matter, compaction, water infiltration & capacity of Soil, PH, Mycorrhiza & Other soil inhabitants, and estimating your soils moisture. Students will also learn about soil additives, cover cropping, and tilling vs no till.
Speaker: Laurel Huffman, Master Gardener
Gardening at Elevation, Class #3 Planting your Garden, & Protecting Young Plants
What will be best for your garden? Seeds or transplants? Learn how seeds grow, how to start you seeds via cold frames, low tunnels, indoors, seed mats, seed starting soil-less mixes, and fungus. Students will learn about how to transplant as well as partake in a hands on "planting seeds" exercise.
Speaker: Michele Sgambelluri, Master Gardener
Gardening at Elevation, Class #4, Watering & Fruit Trees
Students will learn proper watering methods and amounts, strategies for keeping unwelcome visitors out, and proper garden maintenance for all seasons. Fruit Trees are covered in this section as well.
Speaker: Michele Sgambelluri, Master Gardener
Gardening at Elevation, Class #5 Weeding, IPM, & Pests
Learn all the local tips and tricks for maintaining a perfect garden. From weeding, IPM, and even pest control.
Speaker: Vicki Matsumonji
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
March’s meeting will kick off with the presentation of the HEALP garden’s planting plan.
Gardening at Elevation, Class #6, Harvesting & Seed Saving
It's time to collect your bounty. Learn the proper way to harvest, and the tips and tricks to look for. Seed Saving is addressed in this section as well.
Speaker: Vicki Matsumonji
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
Speaker TBA
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
Speaker TBA
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
Speaker TBA
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
Speaker TBA
Annual Open House
5th annual Open House event at the garden. Free entrance to all!
Tour the community garden, shop vendors, eat lunch, get raffle tickets, bid on silent auction items, kids activities and more.
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
Speaker TBA
Garden & Farm Tour
5th annual Garden & Farm Tour. Buy tickets at $15 each and receive map of this year’s tour locations. It’s a self guided tour where you get to choose which locations you want to visit and in what order.
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
Speaker TBA
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
Speaker TBA
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
Speaker TBA
General Membership Christmas Tea Party
To celebrate the end of another growing season and all of our amazing volunteers we will have a Christmas Tea party.
Budget Meeting
General members as well as the board of directors will meet to set budget for 2025 growing season. All are welcome to attend and provide input.
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon. There will be a speaker presentation for the first half hour and the general business updates after that.
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon. There will be a speaker presentation for the first half hour and the general business updates after that.
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon. There will be a speaker presentation for the first half hour and the general business updates after that.
Fruit Trees in Navajo County
Free Community Seminar: Fruit Trees in Navajo County; Speaker Kristen Battafarano; Certified Arborist
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon. The September meeting is our “Annual Meeting” and elections will take place for the board.
Roses in the White Mountain Landscape
Free Community Seminar: Roses in the White Mountain Landscape; Speakers Dave & Gerry Mahoney; Certified Rosarians
Garden & Farm Tours
4th annual Garden & Farm Tours. Self-guided tour. Purchase a ticket to receive a map of the participating gardens and farms on this year’s tour. Tickets are $15 each and must be presented at each garden/farm visiting.
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon
Open House & Fundraiser
4th annual open house event and fundraiser at the garden. Tours, soil testing, kids activities, vendors, food trucks, raffle and silent auction.
Children's Garden Class - Harvesting
Harvesting: Children will be harvesting their produce, preparing their beds for the winter and creating a craft to take home.
Children’s Garden Class - Birds in the Garden
Birds In The Garden: Children will continue to care for their garden. They will hear a story about bird feathers, learn how to identify birds (bring binoculars if possible), and will be making pinecone birdfeeders to take home.
Growing Flowers in the White Mountains
Free Community Seminar: Growing Flower in the White Mountains; Speaker Camilla Sexton; Principle, Ruby Jewel Flowers, This seminar is full for hands on flower arranging. Feel free to come and listen in as there will be a free give away with everyone eligible.
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
Speaker: TBD
Topic: IPM vs Pesticides
Children's Garden Class - Weeding & Watering
We strive to create a fun, hands on experience for children to learn about organic gardening to encourage the love of gardening for years to come.
Children's Garden Class - Transplanting
We strive to create a fun, hands on experience for children to learn about organic gardening to encourage the love of gardening for years to come.
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
June Speakers: Tracy Koslowski & Laurel Huffman; Master Gardeners
Topic: Vermicomposting & Composting
Lavender in the Landscape
Free Community Seminar: Lavender in the Landscape; Speakers Christine & Mile Teeple; Principles, Red Rocks Lavender
Children's Garden Class - Soil & Worms
We strive to create a fun, hands on experience for children to learn about organic gardening to encourage the love of gardening for years to come.
Annual Plant Sale
3rd Annual Spring Plant Sale and fundraiser for the White Mountain Community Garden. Types of plants include: veggies, herbs, flowers, house plants and more.
Children's Garden Class - Planting
We strive to create a fun, hands on experience for children to learn about organic gardening to encourage the love of gardening for years to come.
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
May Speaker: Mary Williams, White Mountain Audubon Society
Topic: Plants that Attract Birds
Herbs in the Landscape
Free Community Seminar: Herbs in the Landscape; Speaker Emily Sebring; Principle, Root to Route Botanicals & Natural Medicine
Native Plants
Free Community Seminar: Native Plants for AZ Mountain Landscaping; Speaker Gayle Graytop; Assistant in Extension Master Gardener Program Coconino County
NPC Class 5: Caring for the Garden II
Topics Include:
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
NPC Class 4: Caring for the Garden
Topics Include:
Protecting young plants
Vertical Gardening
Protecting the Soil
General Membership Meeting
General Membership meeting of the WMCG is on the second Tuesday of every month from 10:30-noon.
April Speaker: John Todd
Topic: Bees and Pollinator Plants
Become A Volunteer
The White Mountain Community Garden is always looking for volunteers for our Healthy Eating And Living Program (HEALP) where participants share in the garden work and the produce. Volunteer days are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. We ask Volunteers to contribute an average of two hours per week.
Everyone has some skills to contribute even non-experienced gardeners. Learn alongside other community members who have a passion for gardening.