Gardening Classes
Planning Your Garden
This class will help students identify how much room for a garden they have in their yard. Students will also discuss the sun, shade, and microclimates of their homes as well as the types of vegetables/flowers you want to grow in your garden. This will all be taken into account when the students look over examples of Garden Plans, decide in-ground beds, raised beds, or containers. This class will ask that students bring their personalized garden plan to the next class in the series if they plan on attending it.
Healthy Soil
Students will learn about soil structure, how to test your soil, and what the results of the soil tests tell you. They will also lean how to manage the soil for quality and productivity through organic matter, compaction, water infiltration & capacity of Soil, PH, Mycorrhiza & Other soil inhabitants, and estimating your soils moisture. Students will also learn about soil additives, cover cropping, and tilling vs no till.
Planting Your Garden
What will be best for your garden? Seeds or transplants? Learn how seeds grow, how to start you seeds via cold frames, low tunnels, indoors, seed mats, seed starting soil-less mixes, and fungus. Students will learn about how to transplant as well as partake in a hands on "planting seeds" exercise.
Watering & Protecting Young Plants
Students will learn proper watering methods and amounts, strategies for keeping unwelcome visitors out, and proper garden maintenance for all seasons.
Weeding, IPM & Pests
Learn all the local tips and tricks for maintaining a perfect garden. From weeding, IPM, and even pest control.
Harvesting Your Garden
It's time to collect your bounty. Learn the proper way to harvest, and the tips and tricks to look for.